<aside> 💡 In setting up your wallet, you’ll be given sensitive information like your seed phrase.

It’s highly recommended that you store this in a secure password manager, like Bitwarden.

For more info, refer to Installing Bitwarden


  1. Click Get started


  1. Click No, thanks


  1. Click Yes, let's get set up!


  1. Type in a password for your Metamask wallet. This password stays on your computer (where the chrome extension stores data) and doesn’t go anywhere.

Losing this password is not the end of the world — since there’s another way to recover this (from Step 6).


  1. Click Next


  1. Save your Secret Recovery Phrase (aka “Seed Phrase”) in a secure location (like a password manager), where you’d always remember the password.

<aside> 🔐 Your ”Seed Phrase” is the MASTER KEY to your wallet. The person who knows this key means they can do anything with its contents (crypto, NFTs).

This is why you should NEVER trust anyone with it, not even Sidestepr. Sidestepr has a much more secure way for it to trade on your behalf. For more information, refer to Setting up your OpenZeppelin Relay.


For a secure password manager, we recommend Bitwarden. But any other popular ones (e.g. 1Password) would be just as effective.

At this point, copy and paste the Secret Recovery Phrase as a “Secure note” in your password manager. You can also include your wallet address (see Step
