<aside> 💡 In setting up your wallet, you’ll be given sensitive information like your seed phrase.

It’s highly recommended that you store this in a secure password manager, like Bitwarden.

For more info, refer to Installing Bitwarden


  1. After you Add to Chrome, you should see this.


  1. Click on the jigsaw puzzle icon, find Trust Wallet, then click on the pin icon.

    Chrome extensions.png

Pin extension.png

  1. Click on the Trust Wallet icon to open the extension, then Create a new wallet


  1. This screen doesn’t matter. Click No thanks


  1. Type in a password for your Trust wallet. This password stays on your computer (where the chrome extension stores data) and doesn’t go anywhere.

Losing this password is not the end of the world — since there’s another way to recover this (from Step 6).


  1. Click Start
