<aside> 💡 Let’s say you want to withdraw USDT from your Relay Wallet. This guide will show you how to withdraw to another exchange (Binance) or to another wallet.


1. Find your destination wallet address

Withdrawing to Binance

If you want to withdraw USDT to Binance, go to your Wallet page and search for USDT, and click Deposit


In the Network make sure you select MATIC Polygon. Your exchange address should be revealed.


Note this address and copy it (Click the copy icon to the left of the QR code).

Once you’ve copied the address, skip down to Step 2: Add your wallet address to your OpenZeppelin Address Book.

Withdrawing to Metamask

If you want to withdraw USDT to a Metamask wallet, open your Metamask extension and click the copy icon to copy your wallet address.